Monday, October 8, 2007


This is your area for you to write everything you ate for a whole week. Each day you should log on and post a comment including what you ate and which food group it came from.
Remember to write the day and date at the top of comment so you are able to keep track of where you are up to.
Good luck and happy eating :)


Anonymous said...

Monday 15th October

Breakfast: Fruitloops, milk - sugar, dairy, weat, food couloring

Recess: Salt and Vinegar chips, 1 brownie, 1 fruit popper, 1 apple - sault, vinegar, sugar, dairy, fruit


Anonymous said...

Monday 15th October

Dinner: roast Lamb, peas, brocaly - meat, vegtables
Ice blocks - dairy, ice, fruit?

Anonymous said...

Tuesday 16th October

Breakfast: Coco Pops, milk - sugar, dairy, chocolate

Recess: Chicken crimpys, 1 popper, sault and vinegar chips

Lunch: Roll, popper - avacado, salami, hard cheese, digonaze bread - dairy, meat, sugar, crushed fruit.

Anonymous said...

Tuesday 16th October

Dinner: Chicken Snitzel and vegetables - vegetables, meat, oils, bread crumbs.

Anonymous said...

Wednesday 17th October

breakfast: Coco Pops, milk, orange juice - chocolate, sugars, dairy, salts, orange.

Recess: Chicken Crimpys, Salt and Viniger Chips, fruit popper, brunch bar - salts, crush fruit, sugars, chocolate, potatos (chips)

Lunch: Bread roll fruit popper - avacado, hard cheese, digonaze, salami, crushed fruits (popper) - meat, fruits-(crushed) dairy products,

Anonymous said...

Wednesday 17th October

Dinner: Chicken raps, water - meat, vegetables, water