This is your area for you to write everything you ate for a whole week. Each day you should log on and post a comment including what you ate and which food group it came from.
Remember to write the day and date at the top of comment so you are able to keep track of where you are up to.
Good luck and happy eating :)
monday the 15th of October 2007
cocopops - with honey and straberries friut and fat
straberrie fruit bar - fruit and grain, pack of tasty jacks salt and vingar, and a lcm bar - fat and suger
banana - friut,juice box - friut crushed
glass of OJ 100mls drink of water 200mls juice box 300mls
monday the 15 of the 10 07
after school snaks
i pack of choc cip ckocies and i pack of salt and vigaer chips
tow glass of water one glass of cordeal
tuesday the 16 of the 10 07
brekfast coco pops honey and straberrys
recess pack of chips lcm and a fruit bar
luch juice poper and a bannana
diner ster friy with chinken
flueds glass of juice tow glasses of water and a glass of mlik
wednesday th 17 of the 10 07
weaith bixs with honey
i packet of BBQ chips (small) one LCM bar honey and chocalate and one friut bar apercoct
one glass of orange juice about 150 mls and about 50 mls of mlike
by jono
wednesday the 17th of the 10 2007
a apple and a juice box
apple-gos to the friut and veg
juice box-gos to friut and veg
after school sanks:
chesse, slarmie and bickets
chesse-gos to the driy
salarmie-gos to the meat fish and beans and nuts
bickets-go to the bread and weath
flueds after school:
two glass of mlik about 300 mls
a drink at the bablers after luch about 50mls
by jono
wednesday the 16th of the 10 2007
pasta with meat socuer - pasta belongs to the bread and grain food group. The meat socuer gos into the meat and potree food group
thrusday the 17th of the 10 2007
weat bixs with honey - weat bixs go in the weat and bread food group honey belongs in the sruger fats and oils
1 packet of chips a LCM bar - packet of chips gos into the fat oils and sugers. LCM bar gos in the same food group fats sugers and oils
a bananna and a juice box - bananna belongs in the fruit and vegtable food group, juice box gos in the fruit group
pizza potato chips - all of the food gos in the fat suger and oils food group
chesse and bickets olives - olives go in the fruit food group. bickets go in the weat and bread group chesse go into the driy
three glasses of mlik
150 mls of water
by jono
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